Tuesday, 12 March 2013

No More Page 3 Campaign from strength to strength

Life in No More Page 3 HQ is a roller coaster of emotions. From the highs of passing another milestone on the signature count (at time of writing 86 117) to the sadness and horror of hearing one woman's story of being sexually assaulted surrounded by images like page 3. From the frustration of fielding diatribes of misogynistic trolling to the inevitable silliness of tit jokes that we share when letting off a little steam.
The place is a hive of ideas, activity and humour from a team of truly inspired and extraordinary women. I say women, at the time of writing we are excited about expanding our team to include two  more amazing supporters including our first male.

New members are entering the campaign on a real high following our most successful move yet, hitting the Sun where it hurts, in the pocket. So upset was one supporter, with the promotion LEGO were running in the Sun for the 5th time (a promotion aimed at children collecting tokens to redeem for toys) that he started a petition to draw the toy manufacturer's attention to the inappropriate nature of pointing children towards a publication containing objectifying, soft pornographic images. The petition attracted 12 000 signatures and after that and 100's of tweets and emails LEGO announced that no further promotions would follow. Yay!!

This is an important victory and we now look to other Sun advertisers and stockists to consider the image of their brand and whether the sexist and degrading dinosaur that is The Sun with page 3 truly fits that image. When the revolution comes will they want to be left looking silly for not having acted sooner?

Yes people, the revolution is coming! The revolution tackling media sexism in the UK starts here.

Things are going well....really well...imagine something going well, well it's better than that!

We are forging on with signatures, our Facebook likes are over 8000, Twitter followers at over 13 000. NUS women's conference backed us 100% and so to add to the 6 universities currently boycotting the Sun in support of NMP3 numerous others are now pushing for the same including Nottingham and Derby.

Labour women's group are on board. The Sun has dropped page 3 4 times so far this year, (more times than in the whole of 2012). Murdoch has mumbled something incoherent about fashionistas which nobody really understood but which earned us over 20 000 extra signatories.
We have so many exciting developments I'm struggling to hold my bladder let alone my tongue and I am over the moon to be a part of this.

I am working with an amazing team and doing sometimes quite bonkers things I had never dreamt of but more than that, I am standing with over 86 000 others and saying -

For pity's sake it is 2013! It's time we saw more women in the press that we can aspire to be, women being the amazing, funny, talented and beautiful 51% of the population that we know we are, in all of our clothes, standing up straight, without a pout, making news.

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