Tuesday, 16 April 2013

A small victory for people power

It has occurred to me this week, for reasons which I will explain (whether you like it or not) that people mostly have no idea whatsoever how important or amazing they are or how much of a difference they can make...and yes...that includes you....yes...you there.

This week I ran a marathon for the very first time and I now feel super powerful myself...I mean seriously, like wonder woman or something; but I have to say, I have never had such an extraordinary sense of the power of collective thought and behaviour of people. Had I run 26 miles on my own, as I have done throughout my training, I may well have completed the distance but I absolutely would not have done it in such a good time or with such a huge sense of well being and excitement and euphoria. The runners beside me powered me on and the reactions and encouragement from the crowd drove me every inch of the way.

In my other life I have spent over 20 years working as a health professional. Everyday I see small actions make a big difference. You simply have to notice the look of gratitude on the face of a patient when you take a little extra time to sit and listen or you explain their condition to them in a way that makes sense for the first time. You don't have to be in health care though - give up your seat on the bus, pass your day pass for the car park to somebody just coming in, help somebody carry their shopping or go along and cheer on the runners this Sunday at the London marathon. People are tremendously powerful. I wonder at what can be achieved when we realise that power.

History is littered with examples of ordinary people standing up, sometimes all by themselves at first, saying that something is wrong and pointing out how it could be different and sometimes more people add their voice and then more and slowly but slowly things change for the better. At the moment there are a multitude of voices speaking out in the battle for equality, in the UK and across the world. It's getting pretty damned loud and you can't fail to notice it. Everyday sexism (http://www.everydaysexism.com/), celebrating it's first birthday this week, has had incredible success in exposing the issues that face women and girls in their day to day lives, One Billion Rising http://onebillionrising.org/ saw women getting up to dance and say no more to sexual violence across the world. We are Chiming for Change http://www.chimeforchange.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=CFC+-+UK+-+Alone+-+Exact&utm_term=Chime+For+Change&utm_content=CFC+-+UK+-+Alone+-+Exact&gclid=CMTlk9m7z7YCFU3KtAod7DoAaA in London this summer and in India we saw incredibly brave women and men stand up in protest at endemic rape. People are making it clear that women are worth respect, that women are not here just here to look at and be admired as a sexual object or a plaything or to be insulted if they fail to meet some narrow standard of "beauty".  Just like the other 49% of the population women are thinking, feeling human beings with talents and aspirations and flaws. I am lucky enough that most of the significant men in my life recognise, as so many men do, that the alternative limited view of women is just as limiting to them as men and to all of us in our relationships. The fight for a more real and equal representation of women in the media is an important one if we are to achieve true equality. As Miss Representation put it http://www.missrepresentation.org/ "you can't be what you can't see" and with that in mind it is little wonder we are not seeing enough women in sport and that the latest figures http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/feb/24/shocking-absence-women-uk-public-life show that the number of women in powerful public positions is on a decline.

Last week in team No More Page 3 we did a little digging around some of the darker parts of the tabloid sites and I wrote, in response to our findings in my last Huff Post blog http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/lisa-clarke/page-three-mostly-harmless-i-beg-to-differ_b_3034030.html. The piece (you'll be forgiven for not putting yourself through it again) centres around the connections between Page 3 type images and rape and violence against women. In particular it showcased some of the awful comments appearing below the model's pictures on the Daily Star's website which are, at best unsettling and I suggested that as a woman and as a mother of a daughter it was difficult to read them and feel completely safe for yourself or any young women in your family, amongst men who had been viewing these images. Clearly the impact was felt somewhat wider than we'd anticipated, as a few days after the publication and sharing of this blog across our NMP3 social media sites, we were informed by a supporter that the Daily Star had (as The Sun did some time ago) deleted all comments and disabled the ability to comment altogether.

I cannot deny that we were really pleased to hear this. It felt like another small victory for people power and for decency, to remove this awful language from the public domain. In my post-marathon, euphoria I would like to think it is because they realise it was, at the very least, very disrespectful to the models in their employment to have these words next to their pictures, particularly the comments calling them s**ts or suggesting their t**s we're not up to scratch. But then I noticed they haven't done away with the scoring out of 10 so the models are still exposed to that humiliation unfortunately.

If that wasn't there motivation however then what was?

Could it be that they were trying to destroy any damning evidence of the links between their objectification and exploitation of women and any potential danger of street harassment and or violence towards women? Will they try and pretend this never happened? If that is the case then removal of these words doesn't remove that evidence. We have kept a record (in case they were wondering) of these comments, along with a record of some of the "reasons for signing" on the "Keep Page 3" petition, which sadly used very similar language. So I'm afraid, if that was the ploy it came a little too late. The Sun are pretty careful with the Page 3 model's photographs. For example if you take a look at Page 3's official You Tube videos comments are disabled as they are on the Page 3 website. There are however other videos of the same models where comments are allowed, one of which we found only this week...

..and The Sun it seems don't extend this level of care to all the women they show topless either. You can still visit the page containing the unairbrushed (unlike Page 3) topless photographs of the young woman who was so depressed about the size of her breasts that she obtained breast augmentation on the NHS and there you can read a multitude of horrendously rude and personal comments that have been allowed to appear uncensored.

Most importantly though, The Sun and Daily Star may have removed the ability to comment below page 3 but they have not yet removed the stimulus which fuelled this language. They cannot stop the thought process which occurs in the minds of the people who will continue to be fed their daily topless picture. It doesn't stop some men sharing their thoughts about the model's attributes and how much she should "Get her tits out NOW!!!" with other men around them.

I am not making apologies for the individual behaviour of the men who make these comments, they are to blame for there own behaviour. I know their attitudes to women will not have been formed simply by looking at page 3 and I am fully aware that some men, from time to time may seek out naked images of women, as women will of men. Something which I believe to be completely natural. Most, importantly most would still never dream of speaking about the woman they are looking at or those around them as things rather than people.

These newspapers however, in their normalisation of these images, not in a media which must be sought out, but sitting there, in a newspaper, next to the headlines about politics and world events; being opened in Cafes and buses and trains; achieve a reinforcement of the idea that women are things. That they are consumables, there to be looked at, to be sexually available on tap. As available as the weather forecast, the crossword and the cup of tea or the latte they are drinking. This gives some a sense of privilege over women, of ownership of women's breasts and bodies. It is their right to comment on these women and to demand more. For years the Daily Star and before it the Sun has not only perpetuated this myth by printing these images every day but it has allowed such derogatory use of language associated with these pictures on a public website, that would never have been accepted in relation to a persons race or religion. It has accepted it because this particular hate speech and damn right rudeness is on the basis of gender and this prejudice has been allowed safe passage for far too long. The comments have been there for months, years some of them, for people to read.  The very presence of these derogatory words has served to justify any mans right to think of or comment on these women, and perhaps others, in the same inhuman way and their deletion is an overdue move towards old fashioned good manners if nothing else.

So yes, We'll take that victory. It may be a small one but we think it an important one. It presumably won't  stop the thought processes that we know will occur in some. It won't end the conversations about "the t**s on that" that or the sexist attitudes that it will perpetuate but it is a small step in the right direction.

So people, take my word for it, you are all incredibly powerful...and...just like the marathon, join me, one step at a time, best foot forward, with 90 000 cheering us on or running alongside including 500 000 Guides http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/04/09/page-3-girl-guides-uk_n_3042348.html (whoop whoop)...... onwards to the finish....look out Mr Mohan, we're on the home straight and my goodness do we have some support!!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Mostly Harmless? I beg to differ

One of the most interesting things about campaigning for an end to Page 3 is the way different areas of the argument engage different people. When out on the street or on social media you work through all of the reasons why having sexualised images of women in mainstream media is a bad idea and it's always fascinating to see which one hits home to people.

I recently had a meeting with my local Tory MP, I can't say it was an experience I enjoyed but once we had got past her initial instinct that drawing attention to Page 3 was simply going to make things worse, at which I pointed out that ignoring it for 42 years doesn't seem to have worked too well, she was generally in support. Her preferred line and one she thought many conservatives would be moved by, was that Page 3 is a tired, old fashioned embarrassment to the country, which of course it is. But what she felt very uncomfortable about was any suggestion that this image was in any way associated with violence against women and sexual violence in particular.

This is often a difficult area of the campaign, I suppose because, for a start, it's something a lot of people feel they would rather avoid discussing at all. It also often elicits a reactionary response, many immediately assuming you are suggesting that any man who looks at pictures of naked women is a potential rapist. This is clearly not the case, nor would any of us suggest it was. The issue is far more complex and to do with the way men are raised and socialised, their past experiences and many, many other factors too complex to go into here. However, it is not difficult to appreciate how the constant reinforcement of women as sex objects both reflects and reinforces that idea in the general public.

The difficulty many have with this viewpoint is in someways connected to the misapprehension a lot of people hold that Rapists are street attackers who lurk in dark alleyways, when in actual fact we know that the vast majority of women are raped by people they know and often in their own homes. Personally I have no difficulty associating the objectification of women, the dehumanisation of them from a "she" to a "that", from a thinking, feeling person to a commodity, with an increased ease in treating them as less than human and thereby making it easier to use them as such. Research by Kalot in 1999 and Vogel in 2000 drew attention to this very fact showing that after looking at sexualised images of women, men are significantly more likely to answer ‘yes’ to the questions ‘would you ever consider having sex with an underage girl?’ and ‘would you ever consider forcing a woman to have sex?’ This evidence is worrying enough in its self but if you are still not convinced you can always, if the mood takes you, visit The Daily Star website.

....I say if the mood takes you, it is a mood that I experience about as often as the mood to gouge both eyes out with a spoon but each to their own...

I realise I may be confusing some of you here. No more Page 3 concentrates on asking for removal of The Sun's page 3 feature and that is in no small part because the Sun remains Britain's best selling newspaper with the Mail now hot on it's heels. This means its ability to infiltrate many areas of your lives is bigger that that of the other newspapers with similar content but The Sun, no longer allows visitors to its Page 3 website to leave comments. There may be good reason for this. The Daily Star's page 3 images are however, more or less identical and we can therefore assume would illicit a similar response in it's readers.  Below is a sample of some comments from page 3 images on the Star's website which have not been removed (some apparently have because they were "too offensive") (Warning! Do not read if you are a delicate disposition!) -

"I'd love to spray my load over those juicy titties"

"Come on Jodie you little Teaser....we wanna see you whippin' your tits out for the Lads this week!!! We demand it you piece of Fodder! GET YOUR TITS OUT NOW!!!"

"Just wanked over this picture"

"Good set of tits on this dollop of fodder"

"Stacey is bleedin gorgeous!!!! So why has she only been given one chance to get her cracking tits out for the lads!!!????She loves unleashing that juicy rack when we demand it!!!!AND WE DEMAND IT NOW!!!! GET YER TITS OUT STACEY!!!!! XXXX"

"Now you are a babe. I bet you have a gorgeous pu**y if it's anything like your lovely tits which I would very much like to nuzzle into. I'd love to look down on you lovely lips wrapped around my ****. If your dirty, I'll give you anything you want, who wouldn't?!!!"

"Look at the wobbly knockers on that!! and todays **** slut is....emma frain with her pear shaped dark textured nipples out.
I love you, For you there is nothing I would not do. Your smile is so pretty, Not to mention your titties. They're gorgeous and cute, They make me wanna shove my **** up your chute, Because your practically perfect, Emma I love you now can we have some sex!"

"a wonderful beauty with a very shapely body just the right size tits to enjoy sucking on and have fun with would enjoy getting u as a present"

And these are the comments left on pictures they approved of.  They do however seem to be quite picky...

"Not impressed by this piece of Essex Fodder...crap tits...fake sun tan and that jet black dyed hair. Nothing attractive about Geena facially either."

"These tits just aren't good enough....it's embarrassing."

"Yes you have nice boobs but your face is not the best"

"This Girl has no tits! Why for **** sake is she on Page 3!!"

"And what a saggy pair of tits this Welsh wannabe has...you could park a bus between that cleavage."

I'm sorry to share that with you but it is one of those things that once you've seen you know is important to share even if it is an uncomfortable read. These were not difficult to find incidentally, this is the common content and language used. Of particular note is the very small number of times the model is referred to by name or as a she, whilst words like "fodder", "dollop" referring to them as "that"or using words like "Slut" are frequent. The sense of privilege, of authority the commentators have that these women will whip their tits out on demand is clear, as is the overall sense of ownership.

What all of this leaves us with is a worrying picture of the attitudes of some young men after looking repetitively at these images. How do these men then interact with the women in their lives and those they encounter after forming these opinions and feeling confident enough in their views to type them onto a website. Are these the same young men who feel entitled, at the very least, to shout some sexual comment to a woman on the street or manhandle a woman on a dance floor. How can we continue to allow mainstream reinforcement of these attitudes when we still have the problems we have with violence and sexual violence against women? If nothing else this reality certainly makes a mockery of Dominic Mohan’s defence of Page 3 as ‘not sexualised’.

So I will not mince my words in saying that Page 3 needs to go, not just because it is a national embarrassment and a dinosaur of the 1970s but because it is anything other than a "harmless fun". It is difficult to understand how any woman, having read these comments, could not feel some sense of challenge to their safety and in the current climate where it is becoming clear that women face sexual harassment and assault as much as ever and where rape is sadly hugely under reported and rarely results in a conviction, to make an excuse for this as "fun for the lads" in inexcuseable. So for these reasons I make no apologies, even though I know it doesn't sit well with some, in connecting Page 3 images with sexual assault, domestic violence and rape. It may be a small part of a big problem but it's certainly not helping, which is why, at No More Page 3 we are proud to count Women's Aid and Rape Crisis amongst our supporters.